デアドラ救援戦 Saving Derdriu
1. 英語でプレイ
2. 先生とヒルダ、ジュディット、クロードの会話
3. ディミトリとクロードの会話
The Kingdom Army has reclaimed the kingdom capital and plans to immediately begin restoring the country and its forces. But an unexpected request arrives from Claude, leader of the Leicester Alliance. Dimitri promptly responds to the request for aid, and he rushes to prepare the kingdom's forces.
Having allowed the Imperial army to invade, the Alliance army makes their last stand at the center of House Riegan territory in Derdriu. The Kingdom army rushes to their aid after amassing more troops.
Before Battle
アランデル公: 盟主は港へと逃げ込んだか。鼠どもが、無駄な抵抗を……。
Lord Arundel: The leader of the Alliance has managed to escape to the harbor, has he? Those rats resist in vain...
帝国兵: 閣下!城外から攻め寄る一団が。あの軍旗は……ブレーダッド家の……?
Imperial Soldier: Your Excellency! There's an army closing in on us from outside. The banners...are those of House Blaiddyd.
アランデル公: ブレーダッド、だと……?……そうか。奴は、しくじったか。……急ぎ盟主を討て。奴さえ討てばデアドラは落ちる。
Lord Arundel: Blaiddyd? I see... That idiot fail seems. Hurry up and kill the leader of the Alliance. With him gone, Derdriu will fall.
That idiot →コルネリアのこと
Player Phase One
ディミトリ: クロードを死なせるわけにはいかない……あいつの救出を急ごう。
Dimitri: I will not let Claude die... Let's hurry to his rescue.
クロード: 来るのが遅いっての!早く加勢してくれ!
Claude: Hey, you're late! Hurry up and help!
Enemy Phase One
帝国兵: デアドラ市街の制圧、完了しました!これより本軍に加勢します!
Imperial Soldier: The subjugation of Derdriu is complete. We will be joining the main army now!
クロード: クソッ……あいつら、次から次へと沸いてきやがるな……。市街に繋がる門を封鎖するしかないか。これ以上敵が増えるのは勘弁願いたい。
Claude: Ugh... They're showing up one after another... Nothing for it but to blockade the gate leading to the town. I don't want the enemy's numbers to increase any more.
ギルベルト: どうやら帝国軍の補給部隊のようですね。今のうちに討っておくのが得策でしょう。
Gilbert: Look. The Imperial army's supply corps. Attacking them now would be a fine plan.
ヒルダ: クロードくんたら、無茶ばかり言って。あたしに橋を守れとか、荷が重すぎー……。
Hilda: Claude's nuts. Asking me to protect the bridge! That's so much responsibility.
But the guy's so helpless, I feel sorry for him. So, I'll do what I can to protect him.
Byleth talks to Hilda
ヒルダ: せーんせ!久しぶりすぎー!来てくれないかと思いましたよー。
Hilda: Professor! It's been too long. I was hoping you'd show up. Seeing you puts a spring in my step! Come on, time to 'em the Hilda treatment!
Hilda is killed
ヒルダ: クロードくん、楽しかったよ……ありがと……お先……にぃ……
Hilda: It's been fun, Claude... Sorry to go so soon...
クロード: ヒルダ!何で逃げないんだよ……。死ぬまで戦うとか、らしくないだろ……!
Claude: Hilda! Why didn't you retreat?! I counted on you retreating...
ジュディット: まずいね……囲まれちまったか。早く坊やを助けに向かいたいが……。港に向かうには、先に敵の傭兵どもを片づけるしかなさそうだね。
Judith: It's no good...we're surrounded. But I need to hurry up and rescue the boy... To get to the harbor, first we have to get rid of the enemy mercenaries. There's no other way.
the Heroes surrounding Judith are defeated
ジュディット: すまないね、助かった。私は盟主様の援護に向かうよ!
Judith: Thank you. That was a big help. I'll go and cover our leader!
Judith is killed
ジュディット: はは……鈍った勘でやらかしちまった……あんたは死ぬんじゃないよ……坊や……
Judith: I guess my vision really is going! I slipped up... Don't you get yourself killed out there, boy.
クロード: ジュディット!坊やじゃない、盟主様だろ……馬鹿が。
Claude: Judith! Stop calling me "boy"! I'm your leader... And I told you not to die...
If Judith and Hilda/Alliance General are both dead
帝国兵: 今だ!伏せていた兵で攻撃せよ!
Imperial Soldier: Now! Hidden soldiers, attack!
Anyone talks to Claude
クロード: はは、懐かしい顔だな。よく来てくれた、礼を言うよ。
Claude: I missed that face! And you're just in time. Thanks for that.
Dimitri talks to Claude
ディミトリ: 無事だったか。……まだ戦えるな、クロード?
Dimitri: You're OK... Can you still fight, Claude?
クロード: はは、九死に一生を得たばかりの俺に戦わせる気か? 人使いの荒い王様だ。
Claude: You barely snatch me from the jaws of death, and now you're recruiting me! You sure know how to inspire loyalty, Your Majesty.
Sadly, I'm not free to move here, for many reasons. You'll have to repel the Empire without me...
Byleth talks to Claude
クロード: 先生、あんたがディミトリじゃなくて俺を選んでいてくれりゃあ……。
Claude: Professor, if you had chosen me instead of Dimitri...
No. I shouldn't dwell on it. I'm grateful you came. I'm glad to have your strength, if only for today.
Claude is killed
クロード: 策は成らずか……。先生、ディミトリ……もういい、逃げろ。危ない橋を渡りすぎたかねえ……残念だが……俺の負けだ……
Claude: My plan failed... Teach. Dimitri. That's enough. Time to retreat. I've crossed one too many bridges... It's a shame, but... It's over now...
vs Lord Arundel
アランデル公: ……小賢しい。まさか、ここまで押し込まれるとはな。犬死にほど愚かしいことはない。港に向かい、盟主の命を断つぞ……!
Lord Arundel: Clever. I can't believe they pushed through to here. Nothing is more foolish than dying in vain. Let's get to the harbor and finish off the leader of the Alliance!
アランデル公: 必死になった鼠ほど、食えぬものはな、か。
Lord Arundel: Nothing bites so hard as a cornered rat, eh?
アランデル公: 貴様が……貴様の存在がまた、我々の歯車を狂わせるか……。
Lord Arundel: Your very presence has foiled our plans, yet again...
アランデル公: 義理の伯父に刃を向けるとはな。父親によく似て、野蛮な男に育ったものだ。
Lord Arundel: You would raise a weapon against your uncle? You've grown into a savage of a man, just like your father.
ディミトリ: 能天気なことを仰る。ここが戦場だとお忘れですか。もう言葉は不要でしょう、義伯父上。それを交わすのは、決着がついてからだ。
Dimitri: You are rather calm for one in your position. Or did you forget that this is a battlefield? Perhaps this is no time for words, Uncle. There will be time for that after we have settled things here.
アランデル公: ここで終わる……?我らが大望が……ここで……。
Lord Arundel: Do our hopes end here...
After Battle
ディミトリ: 義伯父上、答えていただきましょうか。9年前の事件……関わっているのですね。
Dimitri: Uncle, I need to know. The incident nine years ago ... You were involved, weren't you?
You know something. What did Cornelia... No. What did my stepmother do?!
アランデル公: 貴様に闇を覗き込む資格は……ない……。
Lord Arundel: You are not qualified to look into the darkness...
You and Edelgard... Do your best to kill each other... You are family, after all.
There it is... the light...